NET 11

The Poetic Narrative
Prompt:The Poetic Narrative: an investigation of the connection between poetry and photography.
The subtle and ambiguous nature of how narratives within poems and photographs are constructed is emotionally similar, both to the audience and to the artist.
This exhibition is designed to connect the spheres of narrative poetry and photography through the layering of images and the written word. Take for example how a Sharon Olds poem builds a visual narrative internally and inversely, how a Sally Mann photograph brings to mind a great southern poem.
Curators: Ashley Kauschinger and Ethan Fogus.
Photographs: Pascal Amoyel, Sophie Barbasch, Svetlana Biryukova, Katharina Buhler, Aaron Canipe, Brittany Carmichael, Anna Clem, Alice Connew, Bryon Darby, Annie Donovan, Casey Dorobek, Megan Douglas, Alan Eglinton, Ross Faircloth, Melissa Fennell, Caroline Heitkamp, Thomas Locke Hobbs, Kim Hoeckele, Jaime Johnson, Julia Krueger, Alex Kwok, Matthieu Litt, Colleen Mann, Sarah Moore, Jessica Naples, Sarah Pfohl, Maureen Price, Ian Sherlock, Jordan Swartz, Ashley Whitt, Alex Christopher Williams and Dominca Paige.
Poems: Annie Donovan, Sara Hughes, Lucas Khan, Noah Kucij, Daniel Lamb, Juan Madrid, Sherwin Altarez Mapanoo, Teresa McMahon, Jessica Naples, Janelle Ranier and D’Angelo Williams
Oranbeg Net is a series of online group exhibitions hosted on Oranbeg Press. Each show will involve a different curator or curators who create a prompt for each exhibition. The Exhibition is also available as a downloadable PDF.