NET 2.4

Moments that stay
Prompt: It can be fleeting and lingering. It can collect dust on the shelf or be freshly polished. When is it a 4x6 print, a video that disappears after a few seconds, a memory that was half-forgotten, a scrap of paper full of inspiration, a screenshot to remember, an anthology that is within All filed away for another day.
Artists: Zuzanna Banasińska, Svetlana Biryukova, Sarah Palva Kearns, Ali Bosworth, Sarah Pfohl, Kerry Kolenut, Jennifer Smith, Ethan Kell, Todd Irwin Francis Lauther, Alex Nelson, Nathan Pearce, Michael Mergen, Megan Paetzhold, Tony Chirinos, Blythe Cross, Sara J. Winston, Alex Garbiec, Julia Dunham, Fiona Szende, Taylor Galloway, Liam Larson and
John Steck Jr.
Cover Design: Split Graphics