NET 2.3

Prompt: I'm not the best speller in the world.
Grammar and I aren't the best of friends,
I live and die with autocorrect.
Sometimes autocorrect isn't always right.
It's algorithm picks up on your habits,
the good and the bad.
It has become the norm for most people to type a word and see it change before your eyes and thumbs. The almighty algorithm bringing forth the correct spelling or something entirely different. And that different is sometimes odd.
When autocorrect comes up with a word that's from so out of left field you think,
"how in the hell does this equal that?"
Is it from the some of the parts?
Is it like furniture from IKEA when there are some extra pieces left at the end.
Artists: Zach Fox, Ben Davis, Brenda Bingham, Robin Cracknell, TJ Elias, Tara Wray,
Paal Williams and Evan Deuitch
Cover Design: Split Graphics